FOTO Prinţul Harry a recreat imaginile cu Prinţesa Diana care au făcut înconjurul lumii în urmă cu 22 de ani

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Prinţul Harry FOTO Guliver/Getty Images

Prinţul Harry (35 de ani) a recreat, cu prilejul vizitei sale în Africa, imaginile cu mama lui, Prinţesa Diana, realizate în urmă cu 22 de ani, când a făcut turul unui teren minat din Angola.

Ducele de Sussex, care a dezvăluit îşi doreşte să „împlinească moştenirea“ mamei lui în timpul turneului de 10 zile din Africa, a recreat, în a cincea zi a turneului oficial din Africa, unde se află alături de Ducesa Meghan şi micuţul Archie, momentul în care Prinţesa Diana a făcut turul unui teren minat din Angola, în apropierea oraşului Dirico, scrie CNN.

Admirată pentru munca sa umanitară, Prinţesa Diana a demarat în urmă cu peste 20 de ani o campanie împotriva folosirii minelor antipersonal. Aceasta a întreprins chiar şi o vizită oficială în Angola, ţară care a avut parte decenii la rând de războaie civile. Atunci a păşit pe un teren minat, parţial curăţat de dispozitive explozive, pentru a trage un semnal de alarmă cu privire la miile de vieţi pe care le pot lua aceste arme cumplite.

La 22 de ani de atunci, Prinţul Harry a refăcut turul mamei sale şi a parcurs cei aproape 100 de metri de teren minat în amintirea acesteia. Fiul cel mic al Prinţesei Diana a purtat o cască şi o haină de protecţie, asemănătoare cu cele purtate de mama sa în 1997. Ducele de Sussex a intrat într-o zonă care a fost cândva o bază de artilerie pentru forţele anti-guvernamentale care au minat locul înainte de a se retrage.

FOTO Guliver/Getty Images

În acelaşi timp, soţia sa, Meghan, şi-a petrecut ziua la Cape Town, unde a participat la un mic-dejun dedicat femeilor aflate în serviciul public.

Ducii de Sussex au postat pe contul lor de Instagram  fotografii cu Harry şi Prinţesa Diana, alături de un mesaj în onoarea muncii Prinţesei Diana, care „a ajutat la schimbarea cursului istoriei“.

„Pe urmele mamei sale, Prinţesa Diana, Ducele de Sussex a vizitat terenul minat din Dirico, Angola, pentru a face cunoscut pericolul pe care îl pot provoca minele chiar şi astăzi. Ducele a ajutat la curăţarea zonei (...) Ducele este onorat să viziteze un loc şi o comunitate atât de specială pentru mama sa“, se mai arată în text.


        View this post on Instagram                   Following in the footsteps of his mother, Princess Diana, this morning The Duke of Sussex visited a de-mining site in Dirico, Angola, to raise awareness of the danger and prevalence of landmines that still exists today. The Duke joined @thehalotrust in their work to help clear the area to enable safe access for the local community. • “If an international ban on mines can be secured it means, looking far ahead, that the world may be a safer place for this generation's grandchildren.” – Princess Diana, 1997 Today in Angola The Duke of Sussex will retrace his mother’s steps to see the legacy of her work and how her connection with this community helped make the elimination of landmines a reality. In 1997 Diana Princess of Wales visited Huambo to bring global attention to the crisis of landmines and the people whose lives were being destroyed. Two decades later, the area has transformed from desolate and unhabitable to lively and vibrant, with colleges, schools and small businesses. The Duke is humbled to be visiting a place and a community that was so special to his mother, and to recognise her tireless mission as an advocate for all those she felt needed her voice the most, even if the issue was not universally popular. Princess Diana’s visit helped change the course of history, and directly led to the Convention against Anti-Personal Landmines, also known as the Ottawa Treaty. Today, with the support of @thehalotrust, Angola now has a stated aim under the Treaty to be clear of known mines by 2025. Despite great progress, 60 million people worldwide still live in fear of landmines every day. During his visit today, The Duke will walk along the street which was once the minefield where his mother was famously pictured. #RoyalVisitAfrica #RoyalVisitAngola Photo©️PA A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Sep 27, 2019 at 12:12am PDT


        View this post on Instagram                   “If an international ban on mines can be secured it means, looking far ahead, that the world may be a safer place for this generation's grandchildren.” – Princess Diana, 1997 Today in Angola The Duke of Sussex will retrace his mother’s steps to see the legacy of her work and how her connection with this community helped make the elimination of landmines a reality. In 1997 Diana Princess of Wales visited Huambo to bring global attention to the crisis of landmines and the people whose lives were being destroyed. Two decades later, the area has transformed from desolate and uninhabitable to lively and vibrant, with colleges, schools and small businesses. The Duke is humbled to be visiting a place and a community that was so special to his mother, and to recognise her tireless mission as an advocate for all those she felt needed her voice the most, even if the issue was not universally popular. Princess Diana’s visit helped change the course of history, and directly led to the Convention against Anti-Personal Landmines, also known as the Ottawa Treaty. Today, with the support of @thehalotrust, Angola now has a stated aim under the Treaty to be clear of known mines by 2025. Despite great progress, 60 million people worldwide still live in fear of landmines every day. During his visit today, The Duke will walk along the street which was once the minefield where his mother was famously pictured. #RoyalTourAfrica #RoyalVisitAngola Photo©️PA A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Sep 26, 2019 at 11:15pm PDT


„Cândva puternic minat, al doilea oraş ca mărime din Angola este acum în siguranţă. Cu sprijin internaţional, acest teren din jurul nostru poate fi ca Huambo – fără mine, diferit, dinamic, iar înfloritoarea lui comunitate conectată şi beneficiind de tot ceea ce are el de oferit“, a spus prinţul Harry.

Potrivit unor studii realizate la nivel global de Landmine Monitor, aproximativ 100.000 de oameni au murit din cauza rănilor provocate de explozia unor mine antipersonal în perioada 1999 - 2017. 

Prinţul Harry a mai vizitat Angola în anul 2013, fiind ambasador al organizaţiei caritabile HALO, care se ocupă de curăţarea câmpurilor de mine. Atunci a văzut efectul devastator pe care îl au minele de teren asupra comunităţilor.

Ducele de Sussex a mărturisit că Botswana este locul în care s-a refugiat de când a murit Prinţesa Diana, în 1997, potrivit E! News: „15 ani am venit aici, este locul unde eu mă refugiez. Mă simt profund conectat de acest loc şi de Africa“.

Ducele de Sussex a plantat, alături de 200 de copii, un baobab, un arbore „puternic ameninţat cu dispariţia în Africa“, potrivit unei postări de pe contul de Instagram al Ducilor de Sussex, însoţită de o fotografie cu Prinţul Harry care bătea palma cu unul dintre copii.

Seminţele acestor arbori au încolţit şi au fost îngrijite de elevi în recipiente de lapte reciclate, folosind fertilizatori de la un orfelinat pentru puii de elefant. „Dacă ai grijă de natură şi natura va avea grijă de tine“, le-a spus Harry copiilor.

        View this post on Instagram                   From South Africa 🇿🇦✈️ to Botswana🇧🇼! • What a welcome! The Duke of Sussex has kicked off the next leg of #RoyalTourAfrica by planting trees in Chobe National Park with 200 school children from local primary schools. The Duke planted a baobab, which are severely under threat across Africa, which will live for 1000 years! Each child grew their sapling from seed in a mission to restore the Chobe Forest Reserve. They were all grown in recycled milk tins from the elephant orphanage, using fertilised soil from the orphans’ dung! The park is home to a huge elephant population – more than 17,000 – along with some of the world’s most diverse and vibrant eco-systems. The people, wildlife and whole area rely on the Chobe River to survive, but many species and indigenous trees are sadly now extinct. There is critical need to secure the forest so wildlife have access to the river. The Duke was welcomed by his close friend Dr Mike Chase, Founder of Elephant Without Borders, who has dedicated his life to supporting Botswana’s people and Elephants. ‘If you look after nature, it will look after you’ – The Duke of Sussex The Duke will shortly continue the tour with stops in Angola 🇦🇴 and Malawi 🇲🇼 focussing on community, HIV/AIDS and environment. #RoyalVisitBotswana Photo © PA Images A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Sep 26, 2019 at 12:24am PDT

Prinţesa Diana, prima soţie a Prinţului Charles, a murit la vârsta de 36 de ani, pe 31 august 1997, după ce limuzina în care se afla alături de iubitul său, Dodi al-Fayed, s-a izbit de un parapet într-un pasaj din Paris. Denumită „Prinţesa poporului“, Diana rămâne una dintre cele mai iubite şi enigmatice figuri publice.